How Wise Tree Selection Can Prevent Problems

We remove an awful lot of trees which might never have been needed to be cut down if they were selected or planted with more care. Sometimes the attributes of trees don’t warrant the grief they can cause a property owner. The needs and desires of the homeowner, as well as the limitations imposed by an HOA or other authorities, should be respected during the selection process. Within those confines, it’s easier to address the remaining kinds of trees might work well in a landscape. Here are some considerations:


Aesthetic value

Trees are the bones of landscape design. They anchor the home, create movement and a three-dimensional effect, and provide much-needed oxygen. They’re also the plant which is the most likely to cause trouble, so research can go a long way in selecting the right specimen. For example, there are portions of the landscape which should be off-limits to any tree. Planting trees too close to the house, power lines, or plumbing lines can lead to disaster. Planting trees too close to the street should be avoided.

The homeowner needs to decide the most desirable features for the landscape. Speed, of growth, leaf and flower color and function of the tree are all part of those choices. They may want a fast or slower growing tree.

Fast or slow-growing

Having a tree which grows fast seems like it would be the best option. But fast-growing trees are also in greater danger of damage than slow-growing trees. Fast-growing trees may not have the other qualities a homeowner seeks, which make them unsuitable.

Leaf and flower color

Flowering trees such as bottlebrush and golden trumpet trees have very different colors and flowering styles. Leaves and foliage of one variety of tree can be very different from other types, or even subspecies of the same tree. For example, the bottlebrush tree can have upright or weeping-type branches. They look and act differently in a landscape setting.


If the homeowner wants a shade tree, an evergreen tree, or something small, but manageable such a dwarf tree, those should be where he focuses his attention. A tree used as an anchor feature in the landscape, it should be something which looks attractive most of the year.

Undesirable elements

A few other considerations are choosing trees which are less apt to create litter in or around a pool or patio area. Choosing trees which cause fewer allergies than others can be meaningful if a homeowner plans to sell the property, or is allergic, himself. Some trees are also more prone to pest and disease damage. Trees with poor hurricane performance, such as ficus and queen palms, should be avoided.

One caveat: it’s much easier to plant a tree than it is to cut one down. By selecting the location and the variety wisely, a homeowner can prevent damage and annoyance. If you do have a tree which is causing you problems or is in the way, we’d love to help you. Give us a call.

Chuck’s Tree Service offers tree trimming and pruning, palm tree trimming, and tree removal, in Pasco, Hernando and Pinellas Counties. 24/7 emergency service. Call us today at 352-747-8182!