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Tree Maintenance Tips to Prevent Property Damage
Trees are an integral element of every landscape. They enhance the home's appeal, keep it cool during summers, improve air quality, provide shade, reduce energy bills, and increase the property value.
The Value of Pruning Dormant Trees
Pruning is a vital tree maintenance activity that keeps the trees and shrubs looking tidy and promotes healthy and proper growth. However, home- and commercial property owners often believe that the trees do not require much care and upkeep when they go dormant during the winter.
Top 6 Reasons to Hire a Tree Trimming Professional
Trees are a valuable asset for any property. The desire to enjoy inviting exteriors and well-manicured lawns has turned landscaping into an industry worth around $76 billion in the United States.
Things to Know Before Trimming Your Mangrove in Florida
Florida residents know very well that mangroves are an essential element of the state's coastline.
Summer Tree Care
If you want to see the trees survive and flourish in the hottest summer days, quality care and maintenance are essential.
Preparing your Trees for Storm Season
Regular inspection helps you assess your tree's health and save you from troubles down the line.
Five Stunning Trees That Withstand Florida's Storms
Some landscaping tree marvels to plant for wind resistance and help maintain the beauty of a yard and home:
Tree Pruning or Removal Safety
Using a tree trimming company can save a homeowner untold grief and possibly thousands of dollars.
Fall Tree Care
As we head into the colder season, it’s a great time to plan landscaping projects and tree care for your property.
The Value of Trees in the Landscape
Trees offer some distinct benefits to a property for man and wildlife to enjoy.
Pruning for Spring
Freshly pruned and shaped trees can make any home or business attractive and appealing.
Tree Pruning to Lift and Shape
Lifting and shaping will bring out the natural beauty of the tree and encourage healthy growth.
Reasons to Remove a Dead Tree
Some of the reasons a homeowner may want to rethink leaving a dead tree on their property.
My Neighbor's Tree
There are certain conditions in which it’s acceptable to cut parts of a neighbor’s tree.